You shouldn’t be surprised if people form an opinion about you based on what you are wearing. It either makes you look approachable or reserved. When you go to girls gyms you can see how many options are available. So much to take into consideration while getting ready for the gym. What you wear will motivate you to hit the gym so choose wisely. So, let us see what your style is.
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Bright and Bold
People with bubbly personalities generally wear bright colors as it makes them happy and chirpy. This also shows that you are confident and you like being seen as these colors can easily be spotted and always draw attention.
Complete Black Outfit
When you are wearing all black it generally says that you want to look good, but you don’t spend too much time deciding what to wear. It makes you look edgy and slimmer. People wearing all black are generally self-assured and confident.
Picking on Everything Trendy
If you are someone who tries out and falls into the trap of every trend, it says that you aren’t that focused. This means that you constantly need change and can’t be consistent. This might also reflect in your workout. You might be someone who wants to try every new diet or workout style that comes on the market.
Old Tees
This clearly shows that you do not care about what people think of you or what image they are forming of you. You have just come there to exercise, do your thing and then leave. You are with yourself at that moment and enjoying the workout.
Meticulously Planning the Outfit
This shows that you are extremely detail oriented and give a lot of importance to how you present yourself. You want to look good and be the best at what you do. You tend to be highly competitive too.
All Neutral
Neutral colors are calm and serene. If you always prefer them that means you are calm. You want to put effort into your outfit without doing much and you still look chic. You come there to work out and want to be noticed without making it obvious.
In Conclusion
Colors speak a lot more about you than you think. If you go to a gym for women, you will see all these color combinations. So, choose what you wear wisely because this is how people will be viewing you and your personality. Also try to buy clothes from different brands, as each brand has its own brand style. Even though you might like some particular color palette, try to be more versatile and have different options to play with.